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Consumer Study & Digital Market Strategy

Client: Soko Kijiji
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Introduction and Background

Soko Kijiji, an online grocery store that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables to clients across Nairobi contracted The Grass Company to help develop an effective online Marketing Strategy that would allow the SME to increase reach and market share to allow them to scale and grow their business within the Nairobi region.


Through our integrated  3 step process we;-

  1. Conducted a strategy workshop with the target consumers to gather insights and feedback.
  2. Tested the online platform among the target consumer segment to get the consumer experience through our Hothousing (field testing) process  in the Nairobi Region.


  1. Developed a Go-To-Market road map for Soko Kijiji’s online products.
  2. Created the consumer language around the product from the consumer’s experiences, that was communicated to client  for the development of their Marketing Strategy.

Concept tested the SME branding with the grasses to develop and propose a logo that resonated better with the target consumers.

Project Images