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Introduction and Background
Soko Kijiji, an online grocery store that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables to clients across Nairobi contracted The Grass Company to help develop an effective online Marketing Strategy that would allow the SME to increase reach and market share to allow them to scale and grow their business within the Nairobi region.
Through our integrated 3 step process we;-
- Conducted a strategy workshop with the target consumers to gather insights and feedback.
- Tested the online platform among the target consumer segment to get the consumer experience through our Hothousing (field testing) process in the Nairobi Region.
- Developed a Go-To-Market road map for Soko Kijiji’s online products.
- Created the consumer language around the product from the consumer’s experiences, that was communicated to client for the development of their Marketing Strategy.
Concept tested the SME branding with the grasses to develop and propose a logo that resonated better with the target consumers.
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Introduction and Background
The Grass company was invited to conduct consumer research studies through interviews and focus group sessions to collect insights and give recommendations that would inform Red Bull’s marketing strategy for their target consumers in the regions of Nairobi. Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret and Nyeri.
We administered an initial online questionnaire through our online platform WAYO, accompanied by CATI phone interviews to seek feedback quantitatively from a pool of youth consumers in the 5 regions engaging a total of 500 consumers.
We then facilitated focus group workshops with select grasses from the target market segment across the 5 counties to unearth key insights that helped develop a marketing strategy for the client.
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Introduction and Background
The Grass Company was contracted by Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), a Swiss-based foundation that improves nutrition outcomes by improving the consumption of nutritious and safe food for all people, especially the most vulnerable, to facilitate and support 2 SMEs under the NAWIRI program.
The program’s objective was to sustainably reduce levels of acute malnutrition among vulnerable populations in the ASAL regions of Kenya, through development of local food systems.
We supported implementation through Developing and Implementing a Marketing strategy for one SME in Marsabit county and one in Isiolo county.
The Grass Company administered interviews through a combination of quantitative, qualitative and cross sectional studies with consumers, traders and health workers in 13 wards across Isiolo and Marsabit counties.
A total of 377 consumers and 38 traders and 24 health workers interviews were administered.
We also successfully developed a captivating marketing and branding strategy for the two businesses, supported by analysis around consumer habits, and shared compelling insights of the stakeholder’s with the client.
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Introduction and Background
The Grass Company together with Footprints 4 Change (F4C) and Socialmeds Digital were contracted by UNICEF as a consortium to support strengthening components of Yunitok, a social monitoring tool for community participation that empowers young people around the world to promote the platform for increased opportunities for young people.
Through a collaborative approach, we supported and helped promote the youth platform by mobilizing, engaging and enrolling through peer-to-peer onboarding and the Word of Mouth approach in the counties of Nairobi, Kisumu, Turkana, Uasin Gishu and Bungoma
We also conducted consumer research and product testing to collect insights that informed strategy for online and offline engagement with the target audience.
- We identified gaps and opportunities for effective engagement with young people on the YUNITOK platform.
- Developed YUNITOK Brand Positioning and Content Strategy.
- Over 10,000 young people were signed up onto the Yunitok platform.